October 5, 2021
June 14th, 2021

Latah Books
If We Get There
by Jon Gosch
"All morning they rode the freeway north, their engines crooning gruff two-tone ballads as the green country slipped past in the pure race against fear and routine and stagnation and time. They knew not where they were headed, nor why. Only that this was good. Intent and forwardbent to the highway and the wind-dazzled going of it. Inventing songs to hear echo around in their helmets. Silly things sung seriously. Of booze and girls and sudden haphazard joy. Each of them believing secrets only velocity and danger knew to whisper."
--Excerpt from If We Get There
After his father sells their family’s struggling roof cleaning business, Cash Dawkins is offered the chance to start a new life in Florida. Leaving Washington with nothing but his motorcycle and what few things his saddlebags will carry, he embarks upon a 4,000 mile journey across the continent, only to find that he is not traveling alone.
When Cash discovers that his younger brother Charley has run away from home and high school and is following on his own small motorcycle, the trip takes on a new dimension. Besieged by weather, women, whiskey, and the grueling realities of the road, Cash and Charley learn that destinations are not promises, and that the path less traveled is not always by choice.