October 5, 2021
June 14th, 2021

Latah Books

Vince Montague
Vince Montague received his Master’s Degree in Creative Writing from NYU in 1989 and soon after began publishing short stories in literary magazines. He also began a twenty-year career as an adjunct instructor of writing at colleges and universities around the Bay Area. His late wife was a filmmaker and potter who died tragically in a car accident in 2009. During her lifetime, he never touched clay but after her death he began to study clay on his own. In 2014, he left his teaching career, reopened his wife’s ceramic studio and began making art for a living.
His stories and poems have been published in literary and academic journals including: California Quarterly, Westwind. The Florida Review, Talking River Review, Other Voices, Nimrod: An International Journal, Green Mountain Review. He has been an artist-in-residence at Carrizozo AIR (New Mexico), Playa Summer Lake (Oregon), and Willapa Bay (Washington). His hybrid memoir, Cracked Pot, a broken chronicle of grief and art, will be published by Latah Books in February 2023.